Memory Loss

I decided to do memory loss, because I personally have seen how memory loss affected not only our family but so many people. My uncle had lost almost all of his memory, in a split second and we have been blessed that almost all of his memory has returned.
During this research project I have looked into things that can affect the person, positively and negatively. I have looked into what happens to the brain that leads to memory loss and where in the brain all of this happens. I reflected on how this affects the family and friends of a person who has lost their memory. I have found treatments and medication that can be used to prevent or lessen the symptoms, both medically and natural.
With the use of videos, charts, pictures, and recent research papers, I have learned so much. This has also sparked more of an interest into looking at what might have happened to my uncle.
Memory loss may be something that can't be completely prevented nor completely cured, but it is something that I and I believe others should be doing more research on.

I'm very glad that we could do this project!

What to avoid, to avoid Memory Loss!

Some types of prescription drugs have been found to increase the chances of having memory loss. There are 3 specific categories of drugs:
The "Anti" Drug:
These include antihistamines, antidepressants, antipsychotics, antibiotics, antispasmodics, or antihypertensive, it’s likely that these will affect your acetylcholine levels. Acetylcholine is the primary neurotransmitter involved with memory and learning.
Sleeping Pills:
Prescription sleeping pills are notorious for causing memory loss.
Statin Drugs:
These cholesterol-lowering medications could be the single worst group of drugs for your brain. Memory loss is now required to be listed as a side effect on the label. The reason for all of this is that one-quarter of your brain is made up of cholesterol. Cholesterol is necessary for memory, learning, and fast thinking.
Trying to avoid some of these prescription drugs may be difficult, but if it is possible to avoid them it will increase your chances of not getting memory loss.
Just like the fact there is foods to prevent or help out with memory loss, there is also food that increase the chances of memory loss or worsen memory. They include:
1. Trans Fats
2. Saturated Fats
3. Added Sugar
4. Syrups
Lots of times these foods slow down the production of our brains. Which decreases our brain activity. Which in return makes us more acceptable to memory loss.  

Natural Ways to Prevent Memory Loss

The most natural way to prevent memory loss is food!
What you can do is reach for more “brain foods”—foods rich in protective nutrients, such as antioxidants, B vitamins, anti-inflammatory oils and spices.
Types of foods such as:
-Fruits      -Vegetables       -Nuts       -Blueberries     -Salmon    -Mackerel    -Eggs    -Apples
-Tumeric     -Oatmeal       -High-fibre    -Whole grains   -Leafy greens   -Lentils
 When you eat enough of these foods, your brain collects antioxidants, and this offers protection to various parts of the brain, including the hippocampus. Healthy fats in the diet benefit your brain, and it is show that high blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids are associated with preserved brain function. Eggs are one the most important on the list because they are one of the few foods known to contain choline, the vitamin-like compound that cells need to function properly. Choline appears to be crucial to the development of the hippocampus. Oatmeal, high-fiber, and whole grains release glucose slowly into the body, the brain uses glucose as a source of energy, and a steady flow appears to help the brain retain information for tasks that require memory skills.

A study was done on a natural way to reverse memory loss or increase memory. A team of researchers have found that increasing dietary cocoa flavanols can improve brain function in this region, and even lead to better scores in memory tests. Flavanols are chemicals found in raw, unprocessed cocoa beans as well as some other plant material. The team’s next step is to replicate this experiment with a larger group of test subjects in order to better understand the relationship between flavanols, the hippocampus, and memory. Chocolate is not a great source of these flavonoids, as there is very little flavonoids in chocolate and a large amount of chocolate is not good for your health.

Family and Friends

Memory loss not only affects the patient, but it also affects their families and friends. What if one day someone that means the world to you; your father, sister, mother, wife, or husband, forgot your guys' daily life, routines, how old you are, or even forget who you are entirely. This would be a struggle for anyone. Depression among family and friends of memory loss is common and many times they see withdrawal from society and in general everything they "use" to do with the patient. Many times they see family members become main caretakers of the patient which leaves them under extreme stress and can lead to other problems because of worry.
Friends can be lost and with memory loss you may see the patients personality change or their decisions on what types of people and things they enjoy could change. This may affect your friendship with the patient. This too, could lead to stress problems, depression, and may lead to a withdrawal from society.
A great example of how our family can be affected is in "The Vow", with the wife losing her memory and in turn forgetting her husband. This obviously effects the husband.